What do you say about your spouse online that you would not say to their face? Ideally, nothing! This is a personal post, as is most things I write, but I feel the need to preface that you can do things however you like, and you can decide if anything I say is worth importing into your own life. I have opinions on pretty much everything, but that will surprise few who know me well.
I used to have a rather open response to social media, as the generation that was leaving its teens when it was coming out, and I often said more than I would ever espouse now. I felt it, so there was every chance I would post it. You should be your real self on social media, not only the good stuff, I thought! Well, I do not believe that anymore. Now I believe that social media is best when it is a nice little window between people near and far that can add little snapshots into each other's lives, and add the ability to organize times to meet up and do life together. As for being your real self, good or bad, that is what building real world attachment's between people that we trust and care for, both ways. My old gym teacher who added me on a whim does not need to know that I am having a fight with my neighbours. Also, I will add, if you are struggling with life to a degree that you need help, by all means, reach out any possible way you can, you are not alone and people do care. This is more of an everyday life thing.
So now here I am, on my wife's birthday, writing a blog for her, about her, over what we consider a fairly private relationship. We do not post much online, when we tag each other in cute posts, we usually send them in messenger so they do not pop up in other people news feeds. I am wary to write too much online about us, as I worry about being a better husband on social media than I am in our home where no one is looking. And considering how easy that is to do, perhaps I overreact.
One month ago and a bit, it was my 32nd birthday. We celebrated it together, and then the next day she was off to dog sit for a friend who *gasp* went to Hawaii, and I moved up to somewhere sane to go work for my Uncle! Now other than one visit we mustered two weeks in, we have seen each other a total of one time in the last 34 days. And that is too much! Thankfully I have had work to keep me busy, cousins to keep me company, and my favourite Auntie (on my mom's side) to keep me fed.
Look at this photo! Without Emily I am reverting back to my primitive bachelor self. Actually if Emily were here, this table would largely look the same, we would have one really traditional flavoured pizza, while I would probably try the weirdest thing on the menu that still tasted good, we would have ice cream, maybe watch a show, while I perhaps played a Switch game, she would text her (Heathen Hawaiian) best friend, and there would be no socks on the table.
So now I sit here in a Tim Hortons, because we are still a day away from internet getting hooked up at the apartment that my cousin Bolder found us, which was a Godsend, because it is fully furnished, cheap, and willing to take all four of our pets! Which is very important to us. We love our little snuggle buddies! I have not seen the other love of my life, Amber the poodle for the same amount of time as Emily, and that is also sad, because at least I could talk to Emily on the phone. Here's a live shot of poor Elliotte and Percy en route to their new abode.
Emily is 4 hours and 1 minute away according to her phone's GPS, and it will be some of the slowest hours I have sat threw, probably since I got up on the day we were married to each other.
So for Emily's birthday, here is a blog that actually does not say much of anything, something that conveys a sense of how happy I am to finally see my best friend again, my family, how much I have missed her, and how most of the rest of the things that have been left unsaid are none of your business:)
Happy Birthday, Emily, I love you a ton, I am so grateful you married me, and that you put up with wild life strokes like picking up all our crap and moving it in a month without me.
Your husband, Clinton.